Silk Road Mission 2025
James 4:13-17 warns us of boasting about the future. Its message is clear: tomorrow is not guaranteed and we must trust the Lord in all things. That is something I take very seriously especially when I’m claiming to do ministry in His Name.
So, this is my “disclaimer” about the plan you see here. Even my best ideas are subject to the Lord’s guidance and sovereignty. The plans listed here are not set in stone and can (and probably will) be changed whenever necessary.
Still, I wanted to give people an idea of what to expect from SRM in the coming years. These plans will be updated regularly and it’s only just the beginning.
This is only possible through your support. I hope you will prayerfully consider JOINING SRM and becoming a partner in taking the Gospel to the nations of the Silk Road!
Kenneth See
Silk Road Mission
The evolution of SRM is something that will receive a blog post of its own in the near future. Suffice to say, since it’s inception in 2015, Silk Road Mission has undergone two major changes in its short history.
At first, I envisioned the ministry as simply me traveling around with a few co-missionaries and preaching whilst we created travel content for YouTube. A small part of me still thinks I could have made that work but alas the Lord didn’t make it so. When that idea crumbled it took about two years as a bi-vocational volunteer minister and substitute teacher to realize that I enjoyed being in the classroom. So, I began to pursue tent-making missions as a teacher-missionary. That led to my first post in Taipei, Taiwan.
Since accepting the call to education as mission, I’ve become increasingly aware of something: the need for solid, biblical, Christian education at both the K-12 and college/seminary levels is staggering.
That leads me to what I believe to be the next evolution of SRM and how I will fulfill my part in the Great Commission. I wish to create a network of international Christian K-12 schools, language centers, Bible colleges/seminaries, and business incubators in communities all along the Silk Road. Starting right here in Gunma, Japan!
Stay tuned for more details!