SRM Expedition #2 - Nepal Update 1

I’m sitting here in my room at a ministry compound in Central Nepal. It was quite the trek getting here and I was sure my taxi was going burst into flames on the slopes. Yet, I arrived and have been introduced to my host and his ministry team. I met him last year while in Nepal and we’ve been corresponding ever since. His invitation to come and teach at this conference was surprising because of the length we have known each other. Still, he trusts in the Lord in ways that put me to shame.

My topic this week is the Character and Nature of God. I will be teaching Monday - Friday from 9am-12:30pm. Yes, three hours each morning. I teach that much in a full day at school so it won’t be too tough. Even if it will be, His strength is made perfect in my weakness. 

This is the schedule for this week:

Monday: God as Creator and Sustainer

Tuesday: God as Father and Lord/King

Wednesday: God as Lawgiver and Judge

Thursday: God as Redeemer, Savior, and Christ

Friday: God as Faithful and Sender

Please pray that each day God’s Word and not my words are taught. Also pray for the team here. They are working so hard to make the conference go off without a hitch. They need all the prayer they can get.

Finally pray for protection. There have been many setbacks so far this summer for me and for my host. We’re both feeling the drain. Pray that the enemy stays away and that the Lord fights on our behalf.

I’m going to grab some dinner, a shower, and then rest. I’ll keep updating this week with what’s happening.

Until next time travelers, May the Lord bless you and keep you and lift His face to shine upon you.

See ya next time.

Kenneth See
SRM Founder