He is good not because of the things He gives us but because of the thing He has done for us.
I figured it was a good time to sit down and take stock of how 2022 has gone. This is to both give God the praise that is due Him but also to remind myself of all that God has done. It’s easy to get caught up in the busy business of everyday life and forget that we’re here to serve the Lord. So, let’s look at this year and the opportunities God has given.
January: I started this year in an, admittedly, low place. We were still mourning the passing of my grandmother and dealing with the emotionally charged fallout. I had returned to substitute teaching the previous semester. So this month was spent subbing, job hunting, and mourning. I also interviewed for a job teaching English in Japan during this month!
February: I found a job! It was as a middle school English teacher in my area as I was pursuing my teaching license. I lasted two days. The children were way wilder than I could have ever imagined. The absolute shock was more than I could handle and I quit after two days on the job. This is a great shame to me, truth be told, but I will take the experience with me going forward.
March: I started another job this month! This time it was for a Taiwanese computer keyboard company doing English tech support online. I was given 30 days to pass the initial screening and fit test. I didn’t pass but I did enjoy the job while it lasted.
April: I found out here that I was being offered a job teaching in Japan. The entire month was full of prayer and discernment as I tried to figure out if I should accept. It was actually a stressful time but the Lord pulled me through and I ended the month with an acceptance of my new job.
May: I began a mountain of paperwork this month. There was SO MUCH bureaucracy in moving to Japan. I was spending probably 35% of my waking hours JUST DOING PAPERWORK. It was a hassle but I was also ecstatic. I began fundraising and meeting with people to discuss my work here and SRM in general.
June: I turned 32. More immigration paperwork as well as several Zoom meetings with the Japanese Embassy in Houston, Texas. I got to really double down on spending time with family and friends this month. One friend remarked, “Your move feels permanent this time.” and I agreed with him. So, I made sure to enjoy the weekends with my nephews and niece, quiet nights at home with my mom and dad, as well as the precious Sunday mornings with my sending church. This was also when I found out I was moving to Maebashi in Gunma Prefecture. It wasn’t where I wanted to go but I would soon accept it as my new home in Japan.
July: Finally finished my immigration paperwork! It took three months but we got it done! This was departure month. So a farewell party was had and I got to say goodbye to many people. It was definitely bittersweet. Then my departure was moved back a week. Okay, no big deal. I spent the last week getting even more time with my family. Then, on July 29th, I embarked!
August: Tokyo Orientation, moving in to my apartment in Gunma, getting a car, visiting churches, starting my new job as an English teacher, meeting locals, getting to experience Japanese summer, and more were all on the docket. Not to mention that I was undergoing culture shock every single day.
September: I became a member at the church I had been visiting in Takasaki (the town next to mine) called Little Light Church. I’ve been blessed to be a member and have really grown to love these people. Initial culture shock was not fun and the members of the church were awesome in helping me acclimate.
October: This month I really started “doing ministry” here in Japan. I joined the English Cafe ministry here and every Sunday morning I have conversations with local Japanese in English as we discuss various topics. Of course, we’re trying to steer the conversation towards Christ and the Gospel but we also aren’t trying to preach to them. This ministry is to introduce Japanese people to Christians and invite them to join us. It’s pretty fun and a great way to make new friends!
November: A particularly hard month. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I didn’t really get to celebrate it this year. That left me in a pretty sour mood at the end of the month. I was missing my family and friends pretty badly but thankfully I had friends here that helped snap me out of my doldrums. I also got to visit with an old professor from my alma mater, Ouachita Baptist University. Dr. Ray Franklin and the International Studies Director came to Japan and we met for dinner in Shibuya, Tokyo. It was an awesome time to reminisce about college and discuss the current state of missions. It made the month for me.
December: An incredibly busy month. Church had stuff going on each weekend. Not only that but I had several opportunities to share what Christmas was about in my classes. I made it clear that Christmas was about the birth of Christ. Some was lost in translation but I made sure that that wasn’t. Our church had two Christmas Programs at the local community center on Christmas Eve where I played several parts. Then on Christmas Day we met and worshipped the Lord together. It was a sweet time of fellowship as we celebrated the Lord’s coming. I ended the day having dinner with several church members. It was a wonderful weekend.
As the year comes to a close, we all should take a look back and remind ourselves of how good our Lord truly is. He is good not because of the things He gives us but because of the thing He has done for us. Let’s remember that and think on it often in 2023.
With that said, here’s to a wonder filled year of glad service to our God and King, Jesus Christ. May He reign forevermore!
That’s all for 2022, travelers. See you next year!
Kenneth See
SRM Founder