SRM Expedition #2 Field Report - Central Asia

This place seems like paradise and that worries me.

I’ll admit it. Austria was tough. My mind became a battlefield when I was in country. I don’t know why. The entire time I was there I felt off. So, when it came time to leave I was relieved to say the least. When I got off the plane to Central Asia I felt much much better. In fact, despite being tired from travel, I felt great!

This place has captured my imagination from the moment I landed. It’s not quite Asia, but it is. It’s not quite Europe, but it is. It’s not Russia, but it is. All of that coalesces into a culture that is wholly unique. Steppe Culture is old and different from any of its surrounding neighbors. This week I have gotten to research it and learn a great deal about this country’s connection to both the Great Silk Road of old and the One Belt One Road of tomorrow.

The city I’m in is called by many names: The City of A Thousand Colors, City of Apples, City of Four Seasons, and a name I can’t say for fear of identifying my host. It’s history goes back 1000 years (in fact this was celebrated not too long ago by UNESCO). There is enough history here to keep a history buff like me entertained for a long time.

Yet, this place is incredibly modern. Not as advanced as I expected, but still further than it’s surrounding region. Any missionaries that come here won’t have to give up many comforts of home. Starbucks is everywhere. Burger King, Hardees, McDonalds, KFC, and other American restaurants sit next to local fare. English is few and far between but it is still in many places.

My free time here is coming to an end. Soon, I will be joining my host at his home and learning about his ministry and some of the challenges Christians face here. This place seems like paradise and that worries me. What don’t I know about how Christians are treated? Is there some underlying corruption that is only evident after being here awhile? These and more questions will be answered in time I’m sure.

Either way, Expedition #2 is going well! Despite some hiccups in the road along the way, the Lord has been faithful and is taking care of me. Halfway through and I know the second half will be amazing!

Your prayers are greatly appreciated. Stay tuned for more updates from the Silk Road!

May the Lord bless you and Keep you and give you peace.

See ya next time travelers.

Kenneth See
SRM Founder