
Introduction to Silk Road Mission



This is a brief intro to SRM and my motivations behind the ministry.

Here is a short summary of the video:

  • I was saved in college at a chapel service (If you're at a Christian college, go to Chapel! You never know what will happen!)
  • I initially sought the role of pastor a couple of years after being saved.
  • However, The Lord turned my eyes to the Mission Field.
  • The field in question? Japan.
  • Once I got home from college, I sought an internship with the Dallas Baptist Association.
  • Through a mutual contact with the head of the association, I ended up going on an independent mission trip to India.
  • That trip changed my life completely.
  • Japan was still on my radar, but so was India and other parts of Asia.
  • In India, I learned of many opportunities in Central Asia, Europe, and East Asia.
  • When I returned home, I started researching those regions and China's "One Belt, One Road Initiative" became a focal point.
  • Over time, The Lord stirred my heart for the Silk Road.
  • Now, its clear that is what I was called to do. So, I started SRM.
  • My plan is to travel from Nara, Japan to London, England overland (no air travel, if I can help it).
  • The goal of the trip is to get ministry contacts for future trips.
  • Please consider supporting the mission to the peoples of the Silk Road!


I am super excited but nervous about the idea of such a ministry. My future goals are, I hope, The Lord's goals as well. In the meantime, I will continue pushing forward and seeking Him daily. Please follow this blog for more SRM updates and stories from the Silk Road!