Sorry for the lack of updates the past few days. I've been sick and have finally recovered. Praise God!
See my past article about being sick on the mission field to understand my thoughts on the matter. I'm not a fan, but see its purpose.
After I recovered, I had a couple days of low energy excursions to some of the outskirts of Kathmandu. Once there, I found some awesome places to explore and breathe some fresh air. I was also setting up more meetings and visits with local ministries, organizations, and individuals. Tired as I was, I knew my time in Nepal was limited.
Amidst that flurry of activity, I also found time to visit a museum, go souvenir shopping, and get some photography practice. I even took a sabbath and went to church with my Nepali brethren.
Now, I come to my last full day in Nepal. It's very bittersweet. My post tomorrow will be a reflection on my time here but I can't help but take a moment to praise God for His faithfulness and goodness. He has taken care of me over and over. Not only has He protected me from harm and hassle, but He's actively put me in situations that are for my good and His Glory.
Doubting God's goodness is easy when times are tough. I know, I've been there. Trusting Him in all times is hard but especially so when we can't see the next step in front of us. Time and time again, I come back to my favorite verse: Deut. 4:31 which says,
"For the Lord your God is a merciful God. He will neither leave you nor forsake you. Nor will He forget the promises He made unto your forefathers."
In good and bad times, I cling to that simple truth. I couldn't make Him leave me if I wanted to. So, in this season of experiencing the goodness of God, I remind myself to trust Him even more because He isn't going anywhere. If you are in a season of trials, push into Him even more because He isn't going anywhere. Praise God for that.
That's all I have for today. Tomorrow I head into the Asian Highlands! Stay tuned for that!
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May He make His face shine upon you.
May He give you peace.
See you next time, travelers!
- Ken See