Nepal, The Himalayan Wall, and the Gospel

During my two weeks here in Nepal, I've heard the Himalayan Mountains referred to as a wall. A wall that holds the Gospel back from spreading either east or west. 

The strongholds of Tibetan Buddhism, Vajrayana Buddhism, and Hinduism seem almost impregnable to the casual observer. How can the Gospel possibly spread in such environments where governmental and socio-religious powers malign it in such a way?

I even prayed the night before my departure for Nepal, "Lord, let me just find one small church. One." I was unprepared for what I would find. A church that, despite opposition, is thriving. Organizations that are working hand in hand with the government to bring Nepal into the 21st Century. Humanitarian awareness on a scale I was not aware even was possible.

God is moving in Nepal. Yes, I came here naively thinking it would be a spiritual wasteland. Even still, the wealth of opportunities does not mean we can leave Nepal alone. There is much to be done still.

Unreached villages high in the mountains still have no Church, no Christians, and no Missionaries. The need is great! The workers are few!

Going forward, Silk Road Mission will have several opportunities to come here to Nepal and be a part of what God is doing. This will take the form of:

  • Humanitarian Awareness Treks
  • Unreached People Ministry
  • Urban Ministry
  • Music and Culture Workshops
  • And more...

Stay tuned for ways for you to be involved in what God is doing in this strategic nation on the Silk Road!

For now, we head north along the Central Silk Road route. Next stop?


See you there travelers!

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May He make His face shine upon you.
May He give you peace.

- Ken