Silk Road Educational Network
I truly believe that the days of missionaries raising support, and then relying on that support to sustain them in the long term, are numbered. For short term missions, it’s still a viable method of support raising. However, the statistics show that the average church goers are just not giving anymore. How can they be blamed? Their families need food on the table and philanthropic giving is always first on the cutting block when wallets get lean (which is biblical, take care of your own house first, 1st Timothy 5:8). Yet, the Great Commission remains! What are missionaries and mission organizations to do? Pull back in times of hardship and forge ahead in times of plenty? That is historically how things have been done however what if there was another way?
In my younger days, I dreamed of preaching the Gospel in places like India, Nepal, China, and Kazakhstan. Now that I’m several years into my ministry, I’ve preached in all those places and then some. You can read about those expeditions here on this site. While traveling on the Silk Road I’ve personally seen the need for both missionaries to preach the gospel and schools to educate the next generation of disciple makers. Meeting both of those needs with one solution is the way forward for SRM.
The following pages will be the beginnings of a comprehensive framework for future mission and educational endeavors along the ancient Silk Road in Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Both aspects must be fully embraced: mission and education. To over or under emphasize one or the other will be a disastrous oversight. I don’t think this is the only way to do missions in the future. This is simply how I believe I’ve been called to pursue the Great Commission and I wish to partner with and work alongside others who have been as well.
Take a look and please pray for the work that has to be done!